Welcome to the Texas Board of Nursing

Telephone Scam Alert

Board of Nursing (BON or Board) staff are continuing to receive updates concerning a fraudulent telephone scheme involving nurses who are contacted by phone informing them that the nurse is under investigation by the BON. Please note that Board staff will NOT notify licensees over the phone of complaints or investigations. Although the caller’s phone number appears on Caller ID to be the BON’s main phone number, it is not. Nurses who are contacted by such an individual should:

  • Obtain as much identifying information as possible concerning the fraudulent caller including all written or text communication, such as correspondence from other licensing boards or law enforcement agencies; and
  • Phone number of the caller (besides the BON, FBI, or other licensing board numbers being spoofed by the scammers, if available.

Nurses who think that they may be the victim of a scammer should contact the Office of the Attorney General of Texas. Visit https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/consumer-protection/phone-mail-and-fax-scams/how-spot-and-report-phone-scams, for more information on phone scams and to file an Online Consumer Complaint.